We Are Closing The Coffee Shop - Here's Why.

Brown Roof was founded on the vision of giving back to the community and a spirit of giving. That vision remains true today. Our greatest goal is to be an economic engine for local non-profits that are working with at-risk youth, families, and seniors. Our goal remains the same and we are working harder than ever to achieve that goal. 

We opened our doors in August of 2015 with the thrift and coffee combo. We have made lots of great friends along the way - some thrifters, some coffee drinkers, and some who enjoy both thrift and coffee. We have enjoyed many parties and events hosted in the coffee shop and we have sought to create a community and a culture of giving through the coffee shop. The unfortunate truth is that, while we have enjoyed making your daily cup of coffee, we have found that the coffee shop is too costly and that it complicates the operations of Brown Roof. It is for this reason that we will be permanently closing Brown Roof Coffee at the end of this month - October 29th.

Our main intent is to give back to the community and the coffee shop complicates and makes this goal very hard to achieve. We are sad. We are disappointed. But even so, we are excited and thankful. We are excited for what the future of Brown Roof holds and we are extremely thankful for the opportunity to connect with many of you through coffee over the past 14 months. We believe that this decision will allow us to better pursue our goal of giving to local non-profits. 

For many of us who have worked in the coffee shop, this will likely not be the last time we step behind a coffee bar to serve you your coffee. We are excited for the future of coffee in the upstate and we are thankful for the time we have been able to spend making coffee under the roof. We are also thankful for all those who have helped us out along this journey. From the roasters, who we have worked with ( Black Tap, Mountain Air, Bojack, Mōzza, Steadfast, and Methodical ), to the folks at Bella Latte, who so generously helped us get started. We couldn't have done the coffee shop without each of them.

As for your daily cup of coffee, don't worry, something great is about to open up down the road from Brown Roof - Mōzza Coffee Roasters. Mōzza will be opening up their roastery and coffee shop in the Drayton Mills Marketplace early 2017. We hope to see their shop filled with all of your smiling faces. We also hope that each of you will continue to shop at and donate to Brown Roof as we strive to support non-profits in the community. 

Greenville, we know that you love coffee and have been looking forward to our opening of a coffee shop on Woodruff Rd., but at this time we are trying to figure out whether this is the best fit for Brown Roof as an organization. We would love to hear your feedback on this topic. Click here to tell us what you think.

We are looking forward to your ongoing support as we grow, improve, and work towards giving money back to non-profits in many communities. 


Thank you so very much,

Robert E. Caldwell, III (Co-Founder, Brown Roof Thrift)